Jerry Conley – DH-115 ‘Vampire’

The Vampire, being the Beginning of ALL modern jet aviation, is truely inspiring to watch fly.

The de Havilland Vampire is truely a unique and historical aircraft. Developed as the Worlds First Single Engine Jet Fighter, we, with the passage of time forget just how amazing this feat tuely was. Remember, before the Vampire and the Gloster Meteors….there were no Jets, No jet engines, and No ejection seats. This was all new, and every step of the way these men were Trail Blazers. First, you had to have a motor.

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Additional Discounts for kids

Preferred Seating Passes

Children 0-10: Free

Adults: $60

VIP Airshow Passes

Children 0-5: Free

Children 6-12: $50

Adults: $200

General Admission

Children 0-10: Free

At Shop n Save: $12

At the Gate: $20